Add Google Analytics in Nextjs with Quickest Method

Dec 04 20243 minutes
Video Tutorial

Vercel has recently been adding a feature called the third-party library, which allows us to integrate various third-party tools like Google Analytics in the most performant way possible without writing much code or using the Nextjs script tag.

@next/third-parties is a library that provides a collection of components and utilities that improve the performance and developer experience of loading popular third-party libraries in your Next.js application.

#Installing @next/third-parties

As it’s currently in the development phase it’s recommended to use it with the latest version of Nextjs or Nextjs Canary.

Use the below command to install @next/third-parties and the latest version of Nextjs

npm install @next/third-parties@latest next@latest

If you are already working in the latest version of Nextjs just run this command

npm install @next/third-parties@latest 

#Google Third-Parties

Although all supported third-party libraries from Google can be imported from @next/third-parties/google we are going to use only Google Analytics

#Google Analytics

The GoogleAnalytics component can be used to include Google Analytics 4 on your page.

To load Google Analytics for all routes, include the component directly in your root layout and pass in your measurement ID:


import { GoogleAnalytics } from '@next/third-parties/google'
export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
}) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
      <GoogleAnalytics gaId="G-XYZ" />

Here gaid is the Google Analytics 4 ID which you can find in your Google Analytics dashboard, use this guide from google to find your gaid.

To load Google Analytics for a single route, include the component in your page file:

import { GoogleAnalytics } from '@next/third-parties/google'
export default function Page() {
  return <GoogleAnalytics gaId="G-XYZ" />

Row run your application with ‘npm run dev` and use it in the browser for few seconds and you might see realtime update in Google Analytics

image from

#Sending events

The sendGAEvent function can be used to measure user interactions on your page by sending events using the dataLayer object. For this function to work, the <GoogleAnalytics /> component must be included in either a parent layout, page, or component, or directly in the same file.


'use client'
import { sendGAEvent } from '@next/third-parties/google'
export function EventButton() {
  return (
        onClick={() => sendGAEvent('event', 'buttonClicked', { value: 'xyz' })}
        Send Event

For more details visit official guide.