One of the most liked aspects of the React Ecosystem is that you can find components and libraries for almost everything you want to implement in your React or Next JS application.
Implementing Toast Notifications is no exception, although you can implement it yourself which obviously might take a significant amount of time or you can use pre-existing libraries that are specially designed to be the best Toast generators that an average developer can implement themselves.
Again there are lots of Toast notification libraries in the market so which one should you pick, in this post, we are going to See some of the best and most popular ones with their key features.
Before jumping to a conclusion consider these factors while picking toast library.
- Integration
- Design
- Bundle Size and Performance
- Support
- Community
Choosing a React or Next.js toast notification library can be overwhelming. Let’s explore the best contenders to show toast messages.
#1. React-Toastify

With over 1.8M weekly downloads, React Toastify is the undisputed leader in the field.
#Key Features
- Easy to set up: Quick and simple integration.
- Super easy to customize: Ability to tailor appearance (colors, fonts, etc.) to match your app’s design.
- Can display a React component inside the toast: Flexibility to display more complex content within notifications.
- Has onOpen and onClose hooks: Control behavior or execute actions when toasts appear/disappear.
- Can remove a toast programmatically: Dismiss notifications on demand.
- Can choose swipe direction: More granular user control
- Stacked notifications: Displays multiple notifications in a queue
Overall react-toastify is an excellent all-rounder library suitable for most of the projects.
Follow this tutorial to use react-toastify in your app.
#2. React-Hot-Toast

React Hot Toast is a great fit for the website with a sleek look and a fast-loading website.
#Key Features
- Easy to Use: Can be set up in a few simple steps and provides easy-to-use APIs.
- Highly Customizable: It supports JSX components as a child and supports Tailwindcss styling in that.
- Emoji Support: Add emojis directly to your toast messages (✅, ⚠️, 💾, etc.).
- Minimalistic: It offers a smooth user experience & notifications have a sleek look and feel light.
- Lightweight: Being lightweight is its best part as it’s only about 5KB including the stylesheet.
- Promise API: To show loading, success, or error in real time.
- Pause on Hover: Users can hover their mouse over a notification to pause its dismissal timer, giving them more time to read the content and interact with any actions.
- Accessibility: It’s highly accessible which helps to provide a toast message to most of your users.
Follow this tutorial to use react hot toast
Visit React Hot Toast’s official documentation.
#3. Notistack

Notistack is a React library that makes it super easy to display notifications on your web apps. It is highly customizable and as the name suggests, it allows notifications to be stacked on top of one another.
Notistack likes to call their messages as snackbars, these snackbars are highly customizable and we can change properties like position, and time they disappear and it has different variants of toast messages like success, error, warning, and info.
#Key features
- Ease of Use: Easy to integrate into your React projects. Displaying snackbars is as simple as calling a function.
- Customization: Control every aspect of your snackbars. Tweak their appearance, position, behavior, actions, and more. Match them seamlessly to your application’s design.
- Stacking: Queue up multiple notifications without cluttering the screen. Notistack presents them elegantly in a stack.
- Accessibility: Notistack offers features and guidance to ensure your notifications are accessible to users with disabilities.
- Well-Maintained and Popular: Notistack enjoys excellent community support and frequent updates.
VIsit official documentation to learn more about notistack.
#4. Sonner

Sonner is a fairly new library but soon it’s going to be one of the most used Toast libraries for React js, Sonner takes features from multiple other Toast libraries like using stacked notifications as in notistack, it supports a great level of customization, and in just one year of initial release its able to get about 500K downloads per week.
These are available types of toast messages we can render using Sonner
- Default
- Description
- Success
- Info
- Warning
- Error
- Action
- Promise
- Custom
Overall sonner toast is all in one package for you if you want to display smooth toast messages in your application.
Follow this tutorial to use sonner toasts in your application.
#4. Reapop

Reapop is not very popular but still, it’s a cool library considering the variants it supports and the extent of customization.
It has even customizer on its website that you can use to configure your toast messages however you like.
Official documentation of Reapop.
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